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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5


I never thought I'd find myself taking the time to write this but Embrace thoroughly deserves the effort. My dog has had a number of claims over the past 2 years. On every occasion Embrace has very efficiently, speedily and helpfully answered my questions, processed the claims and paid the money. I cannot recommend them enough.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/16/2010
  • BY: A
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Best coverage ever

I was extremely pleased with Pets Best insurance from day one. I adopted my beloved Molly when she was 7 years old & insured her within the first 6 months to make sure she was still eligible. Because of her age, the "accident & illness" coverage was around $40 per month. For the last 3 years, I barely used it, but in the last 4 months I was certainly glad I had it. She was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, had her spleen removed, went blind as a result of the cancer & went on oral chemotherapy drugs. Unfortunately, we lost the battle in November 2009 & she had to be put to sleep. Her surgery alone cost $4000 out of pocket & I got reimbursed for 80% of that! Even her chemo drugs (which I had to buy at Walgreens) was covered at 80%. Needless to say, I well surpassed the premium costs for all 3 1/2 years of premium costs in my reimbursements. Best investment I ever made! Their personal touch at her passing was very nice too. They sent an email when I cancelled the policy with their condolences & about 2 weeks following I received a very nice sympathy card with a message that a donation had been made in her memory to a humane society charity. When I get another dog, I will definitely use Pets Best again.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 01/16/2010
  • BY: B.
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Best Staff and Best Care for your Pets!!!!!

I just Started with Embrace and let me tell you they truly are the Best!! My Rufus a wiennie dog has never been sick in his life of 4 years and then on Christmas Eve 2009 there I was at the Vet's. and they covered the claim but then in January 2010 he had a broken tooth and I was in hospital also.So let me tell you Kate is the Best that Embrace has she is so caring and really concerned for "All"the pets. People let me tell you I called Embrace to tell them what was going on and Kate answered the phone and like always very caring and very concerened for my Rufus I was in tears and Kate helped me relax and she was very caring and she was very concerned for my Pet. Trust me Kate has a "Big Heart" and is there to help people with their claims and yes to just give a loving ear to those in need....God Bless Her. Kate has gone over and beyond to help Me. And Kate does a very Excellent Job. Now for Carrie, She has handled my claims and has been Excellent in this and has done all this while I was in the hospital.She has sent the Vet all the forms they need to fax over to handle the claims while I was in the Hospital. And Best of all do get the direct deposit for your reimbursement on claims as it is fast and goes straight to your bank account without any fuss.......No waitting for it to be mailed to you...God that is a Blessing. It was credited back to my bank account in just 1 day. By far this is the" Best Pet Insurance" So buy this for your Loved Pets as We all Value or Beloved pets and want the Best care for them. And Embrace will help with those Vet Bills. And getting them insured by Embrace Insurance is the Best. Because you never know what is going to happen to them. Trust me I have been through it with my Rufus. Thanks for reading, Barbara in Texas
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/14/2010
  • BY: Barbara
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

compassionate, prompt, friendly service

I have used Embrace Pet I nsurance for 2 years now for my cherished toy poodle, Trixie. I have not had any other insurance and will only use Embrace. They are always available and have super quick responses, claims and refunds. The staff are the most genuine,compassionate and warm people that I have come across. They have ny highest regard
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/12/2010
  • BY: L.
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Scam scam scam

I am new to pet insurance and have put one and only one claim in for my kitten. Pets Best informed me that this is a "pre-existing condition", denied the small claim, and provided no explanation. I had never noticed any symptoms nor had her seen for these symptoms prior so I didn't see how it could have been pre-existing. I asked Pets Best for an explanation of the denial and was sent a form email with a copy of the policy's definition of "pre-existing condition". I thought this was pretty ridiculous as I had not asked for an email repeating a definition in my policy but rather an actual explanation of why my claim was denied. I was told by Pets Best to get my pet's medical records and look for myself to figure it out. Clearly, I was not happy. I demanded to know in writing why my claim was denied and was told they would not produce this. I was verbally told that my kitten showed symptoms "as far back as June" but when I requested more specific information and in writing, I was continually denied. I was also verbally told that my claim was denied in part, because my cat was once documented as having sneezed 6 months prior. I'm not kidding. I asked for that in writing and was denied. I requested her supervisor's extension. The representative at first refused to provide her supervisor's name but after extensive arguing from me finally did and allowed me to leave said supervisor a voicemail but refused to provide me the supervisor's extension. To date, no call back from supervisor. They finally relented and emailed me a letter explaining why the claim was denied but it was too vague to be much help. I guess they don't understand the words "specific" and "detailed" and/or they are trying to evade responsibiltiy for their denial. I told the representative I'd be happy to go to arbitration on this matter. She asked me not to threaten to sue her. I explained I was not threatening to sue her but rather indicating that I would utilize the policy's arbitration clause if necessary. She told me I would have to go to Michigan. I told her that was not necessarily true, but that at this point, I was angry enough to go to Michigan. So, the appeal is in the works though I don't have much hope that Pet's Best will reverse its own (scammy) denial. I heard about Pets Best through part of a pet group I belong to. After my clain was denied, I heard through the grapevine that several others had my same experience with this "pre-existing" excuse with conditions that were not at all pre-existing. Sounds to me like a scam. Sounds like Pets Best does its "best" to figure out ways to deny claims and keeps their fingers crossed that people will not go to arbitration. And I can't help but wonder, if they have nothing to hide, why did I have to fight so hard for a vague letter about why my cliam was denied? I am angry and disgusted and wish I had never purchased this policy. Waste of money.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 01/12/2010
  • BY: Jennifer
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

money hungry & unreliable

I asked all kinds of question due to I had experience with my other cat(pass away)at 22yrs old. What I went through money wise I took out insurance on my cats. 2 cats are under VPI (which I love but premium go up every year, by age of cat) So with ASPCA I thought I would be covered and when I took my cat in they denied the bill. They get into the program and then when you need it they say it is not covered. WHAT A RIPOFF COMPANY - SHOULD BE INVESTIGATED. I am paying outrages premium a month and I am on disablity.
  • POSTED: 01/11/2010
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Maggie's Bladder Stone Surgery

Back in the Fall of 2009 my cat Maggie was passing blood in her urine. Subsequently, she was diagnosed with a bladder stone which required surgery. I am so thankful I had pet insurance because the total bill came to $1,800 dollars. The insurance paid almost $1,200. I certainly can recommend having it.
  • POSTED: 01/09/2010
  • BY: Robert
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Very prompt, excellent service.

We signed up with Embrace last summer because my research showed that the company was the closest I could find to true "Major Medical" insurance for our Golden Retriever. Then in November our pet showed up with a good sized tumor on her neck. Surgery successfully removed the tumor. I paid the veterinarian's bill and submitted my claim to Embrace. They acknowledged my claim immediately, and after receiving the additional required documentation from our veterinarians, sent me a check (after deductible)for over 50% of the total cost. The total elapsed time was only two weeks! Now that's what I'd call exceptional service by an insurance company. Embrace has not only met, but has exceeded my expectations!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/08/2010
  • BY: Jay
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

very prompt

We found Embrace to be very prompt in making sure the claim was processed as quickly as possible. And they are always available to answer a question and explain things. This was very appreciative.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/08/2010
  • BY: Joe
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

much better than I expected

My shorthair orange tabby Earl has had a very bad year with a series of illness - vomiting, urinary tract infection, bladder stones, and a malignant tumor in an adrenal gland. The ASPCA plan has paid something on each claim (so far) with explanations after a careful review of the bills I sent. Having this insurance really helped defray the expense of treatment and allowed me to have definitive tests done to help alter his diet and to reveal the tumor in the adrenal gland which was recently removed. Earl seems to be doing fine at this time.
  • POSTED: 01/08/2010
  • BY: Jean
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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