Can Dogs Eat Ramen Noodles?

Posted: 06/10/2024 | BY: Jenna Bruce | Categories: Dog , Pet care

Can dogs eat ramen noodles? If you’re thinking of sharing your delicious ramen with your pup, hold on! While ramen isn’t poisonous to dogs, it’s not the healthiest choice for them either. Most ingredients in ramen, especially instant varieties, aren’t beneficial and can even be harmful in large quantities or with regular consumption.

In this blog post we’ll discuss why dogs shouldn’t eat ramen and what to do if your fur baby accidentally consumes some. Let’s dig in.

Why Instant Ramen Noodles are Bad for Dogs

Most of us, when we were young and broke, ate our fair share of ramen noodles. This cheap comfort food came in a variety of delicious flavors and could be easily made in a microwave or on a hot plate. Great for dorm room dining. Plus, it was ready in mere minutes. 

But those cheap noodles aren’t the healthiest food on the planet. Not for us humans and especially not for our dogs. Here are some of the reasons why:

Too Much Sodium

When you think about it, ramen noodles themselves are almost completely tasteless. What makes this cheap food so delicious are those little flavor packets that come in beef, chicken, shrimp, etc. And those little flavor packages are LOADED with sodium.  

In fact, some popular instant brands can contain as much as 830 mg of sodium per serving (and there are usually two servings per package)! That means if you eat the entire ramen square and packet, you are actually getting 1,660 mg of sodium, which is over half the recommended daily amount for humans.

While our dogs need some sodium in their diet to maintain proper fluid balance and regulate nerve and muscle function, they actually need very little in comparison. Dogs need a MAXIMUM of 15 mg of sodium per kilogram (1 kilogram equals 2.21 pounds) of body weight. So for a 6.5-pound Chihuahua, they need only 45 mg of sodium each day, whereas a 65-pound boxer needs a maximum of 450 mg a day. 

Quality dog food brands already include the proper amount of sodium in the food, so dogs should not be nibbling on snack foods that contain high amounts of sodium, like our potato chips, french fries or ramen noodles.

Too much sodium in your pup’s system can lead to dehydration, tummy troubles like vomiting, and even imbalances in their electrolytes. In extreme cases, high sodium levels from too much ramen could cause a dangerous condition called hypernatremia, where there’s too much sodium in their blood.

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Unsafe Seasonings

In addition to sodium, those flavor packets contain other ingredients that can be harmful to dogs. MSG, along with garlic and onion powder can be downright toxic to our fur babies!

That MSG is particularly concerning, ass it has been linked to neurological issues in dogs. If your fur baby ate enough of it, it could cause restlessness, depression, disorientation, and convulsions. 

Some ramen brands also contain seasoning oils, which have been known to cause GI upset in pups leading to vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration.

Allergy Trigger

Like people, our pups can suffer from food allergies. Instant ramen contains potential allergens such as soy and wheat. If your pup is allergic or has a sensitivity to these ingredients, a tiny amount ingested could lead to stomach issues, skin reactions, and, in severe cases, even anaphylaxis.

Are Authentic Ramen Noodles Safe for Dogs?

You may think authentic ramen purchased at Japanese restaurants would be okay to feed your dog. And while these homemade noodles and broth are made from higher-quality ingredients, they still aren’t an ideal food to share with your pup. The broth will still be too salty as well as fatty and rich for our fur babies. And the broth will also most likely contain other ingredients your pup shouldn’t eat like onions and garlic.

My Dog Accidentally Ate Ramen! What Should I Do?

While a small amount of ramen probably won’t cause serious harm to a healthy dog, it’s best to avoid it altogether. The high sodium content can lead to diarrhea, thirst, and even more serious issues like electrolyte imbalances.

Here’s what to do if your dog snagged a bite:

  • Monitor them for signs of discomfort like vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, or allergic reactions.
  • Increased thirst is likely, so make sure they have fresh water available.
  • If any symptoms worsen or persist, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Prevention is key! Keep ramen out of your dog’s reach to avoid any potential problems. There are plenty of dog-safe treats available that won’t upset their tummy.

Final Thoughts on Can Dogs Eat Ramen Noodles?

Can dogs eat ramen noodles? Technically, if they happen to eat a little, no real harm should come to them. But no, you should definitely not make it a habit to share your ramen with your pup. From the massive salt content to the potential allergens, unsafe seasonings, and generally unhealthy ingredients, it’s not healthy for your pup.

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The information contained on this blog is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional veterinary care. Always consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your pet's health care or treatment plan.

The authors of this blog are not veterinarians and do not claim to be experts in pet health. The information provided here is based on our own experiences and research, as well as information from reputable sources. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.

We encourage you to do your own research and consult with your veterinarian before making any decisions about your pet's health.

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