Can Cats Eat Cucumbers?

Posted: 03/26/2024 | BY: Jenna Bruce | Categories: Cat , Pet care

Crisp and cooling, cucumbers are a favorite veggie for many people who toss them in salads or layer them on sandwiches. But can cats eat cucumbers? 

Actually yes! Cucumbers can make a fun and healthy treat for your feline fur baby. Having said that, before sharing cucumbers with your cat, there are some things to consider.

can cats eat cucumbers?

Can My Cat Munch on a Cucumber?

First we should mention that most cats wouldn’t touch a cucumber with a 10-foot pole. But every once in a while there comes along a cat who acts more like a dog and wants to try everything on your plate! If you have one of those, then yes, you can safely give your cat some cucumber.

How Much is Too Much Cucumber?

First we should mention that cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their main source of nutrition should come from animal protein. Because of this, you should think of cucumbers as a once-in-a-while-treat.

A slice or two, each about a quarter-inch thick, a couple of times a week is a good rule of thumb. When introducing a new food, always start with a teensy piece to check for allergies. Remember, the 10% rule applies here too – treats and human food, including cucumber, shouldn’t exceed 10% of your cat’s daily calorie intake.

Benefits of Cucumbers for Cats

It just so happens that cucumbers offer some pretty great health benefits to people and our pets!

Hydration Hero

With a whopping 95% water content, cucumbers are an excellent source of hydration, especially for cats who aren’t big water drinkers. Dehydration can be a serious health risk for cats, so cucumber slices on hot days or as a regular treat can be very beneficial.

Low-Calorie Champion

Got a chunky cat that’s always begging for treats? Cucumbers are a guilt-free treat for your weight-watching kitty. Low in calories and fat, they’re a purrfect option for cats who need to slim down.

Nutrients and Fiber

Again, cats must get the vast majority of their nutrients for animal fat and protein. But that doesn’t mean that your cat can’t benefit from the nutrients in cucumbers. Boasting high amounts of Vitamin K (important for blood clotting and liver health), Vitamin C (an antioxidant that supports the immune system), and also fiber, which can aid digestion in small amounts and keep your cat regulara.

How to Serve Your Cat Cucumbers

Ready to add a touch of green to your cat’s culinary adventures? Here are some creative and cat-approved ways to serve cucumber:

Dice it Up

First rule is to absolutely SKIP THE BIG CHUNKS. Big chunks of any fruit or veggie can pose a choking hazard to cats. So be sure to dice or even mince cucumber slice into little, tiny pieces.

Tuna ‘Salad’ Surprise

Your cat loves tuna, so why not serve up a little tuna salad with minced cucumbers in it? But forgo any onions, which can be toxic to our pets. Just smash up a little canned tuna and cucumbers and watch your cat devour it.

Add to Their Water Bowl

Some cats don’t drink enough water, which can lead to dehydration and kidney disease. One way to get your cat to drink more is to add cucumber slices to their water bowl. They’ll enjoy batting them around the bowl and hopefully, engage in some drinking as well.

Frozen Fun

During warmer months, frozen cucumber pieces can be a refreshing and hydrating treat. Dice a peeled cucumber, freeze the pieces on a tray, and then serve them up slightly thawed on hot days.

Blended Bliss

Using a blender, whip up a cucumber and water puree. This can be served on its own or added to your cat’s wet food for extra hydration. This option is especially helpful for senior cats or cats with missing teeth.

Things to Keep in Mind

While cucumbers are a safe treat for cats, there are some things to keep in mind:

Choking Hazard

Remember, dice or, even better, mince those cucumbers into small, manageable pieces to avoid any choking mishaps.

Forgo Pesticides 

Non-organic cucumbers might have pesticides on their skin. Opt for organic cucumbers or peel non-organic ones before serving. Always wash thoroughly regardless.

Digestive Dilemmas

Cucumbers, especially the peel, are high in fiber, which can upset a cat’s tummy if they eat too much. Stick to small portions to avoid digestive issues.

Avoid Spices

Serve only plain cucumbers void of any seasonings such as salt, pepper, garlic or onion, which can all be toxic to cats.

Allergy Alert

Although rare, cats can be allergic to any food, and cucumbers are no exception. This is why it is important to always feed only a very little at first to make sure your cat does not have a reaction.  If you notice symptoms like itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing after feeding cucumber to your cat, seek immediate veterinary care.

The Final Meow

Can cats eat cucumbers? Yes! Cucumbers can be a fun and healthy addition to your cat’s diet. It’s a good idea to ask your vet before feeding your cat any new food. And remember, dice or mince the cucumber into tiny pieces, only feed small amounts as a treat, and don’t use any kind of spice or seasoning. If you follow these tips you’ll be able to feed your cat cucumber without any issues.




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The authors of this blog are not veterinarians and do not claim to be experts in pet health. The information provided here is based on our own experiences and research, as well as information from reputable sources. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.

We encourage you to do your own research and consult with your veterinarian before making any decisions about your pet's health.

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