Boxer Dog Life Expectancy

Posted: 11/13/2023 | BY: Jenna Bruce | Categories: Dog , Health problems , Pet care

Boxer dogs are intelligent, athletic, protective and playful. To have a Boxer in your life is to have a loyal companion that will always bring a smile to your face. And you want this wonderful companion in your life for many, many years. But what is the Boxer dog life expectancy exactly?

In this blog post we’ll cover how long Boxers typically live, some of their main health issues, and what you can do to help your fur baby live as long and healthy a life as possible. Let’s dive in!

Boxer dog life expectancy

How Long Do Boxers Live?

On average larger breed dogs have shorter lifespans than small breeds, and this includes the Boxer dog. While Boxers are not the largest of dog breeds, their size definitely impacts how long they live, which is usually between 9 and 12 years, though there have been Boxers that have lived well into their teens.

Boxer dogs are typically considered senior between the ages of 7 and 8. It’s at this time that their care needs will change. Senior Boxers have different dietary needs than younger pups. At this age they may also begin to develop arthritis and other degenerative diseases. This is why it is so important to make sure your Boxer is seen by the vet at least twice a year for routine checkups. Health conditions can develop very quickly in older dogs, so you don’t want to skip any vet appointments!

Boxer Health Issues

Every dog breed has its own set of health issues they are most prone to developing, and Boxers are no different. In a 20 year study done by the University of Georgia that looked at 82 dog breeds, the numbers one, two and three causes of death for Boxers were easy to spot. 

#1: Cancer

44.3% of Boxer dog deaths are a result of some form of cancer. This includes lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes), mast cell tumors (skin cancer), mammary gland and breast cancer, soft tissue sarcomas and bone cancer. 

#2: Neurological Disease

18.2% of Boxer dog deaths are from some form of neurological disease. This includes diseases of the brain and spinal cord. Boxers are prone to developing intervertebral disc disease that leads to paralysis. They are also at high risk for strokes, seizures, degenerative myelopathy, encephalitis, laryngeal paralysis and tumors of the brain and spinal cord. 

#3: Trauma

The third biggest cause of death for Boxers found in the UoG study was trauma. This includes automobile accidents, which includes being both hit by a car and being a passenger inside of a car that was in an accident.

Some other common health issues with Boxers dogs to be aware of:

  • Heart Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes

Help Your Boxer Live a Long and Happy Life

If you want to help your fur baby live well into their golden years, and even beat the odds, there are some things you can do:

Spay or Neuter

Did you know that spaying and neutering our fur babies does far more than just help with population control? It has also been conclusively shown to help keep our pets healthy. Spaying and neutering can help reduce your pup’s chances of developing testicular or ovarian cancer. And when you remember that cancer is the #1 cause of death in Boxer dogs, you see how important this is.

And remember that third leading cause of death for Boxers? Trauma, with being hit by a car a major issue. When we spay and neuter our pets they are far less likely to roam in search of a partner. This decreases their chance of getting lost and injured.

Proper Nutrition

Proper nutrition is important at any age, but particularly important for an aging dog. Speak with your vet to make sure you are feeding your Boxer the absolutely best food that you can afford. Better to reduce costs somewhere else than food choice. So many pet foods on the market today are loaded with additives, coloring and fillers that are not good for our pups.

Equally disturbing is the fact that a food manufacturer is lawfully allowed to call their dog food “complete and balanced” when it really means they meet their bare/minimum qualifications.


Exercise can add years to your Boxer’s life! Regular exercise not only strengthens the muscles in their legs but also their heart. Exercise can also help to reduce pain and stiffness from arthritis. So be sure to take your Boxer for a brisk walk at least once a day.

Dental Care

Poor dental care not only leads to infected teeth and gums, that infection can move into the bloodstream and eventually damage major organs like the kidneys and liver. Be sure to have your Boxer’s teeth professionally cleaned every one to two years and try to brush your dog’s teeth at home each day. Your vet can show you how to do that. If your pup won’t cooperate, offer them dental treats to help scrape excess tartar away in between cleanings.

Car Restraints

A scary and sad fact is that even when a car is only traveling 15 MPH, should it hit a car or a car hit you, an unrestrained dog can be thrown and gravely injured. Be sure to use a canine car safety belt each time you take your pup on a car ride.

Pet Insurance

It goes without saying that helping your dog live the longest and healthiest life requires you to be able to offer your fur baby top veterinary care when they need it. But this can be extremely expensive.

Pet insurance can help you offset the high cost of vet care. In fact, there are some plans that will reimburse you for as much as 90% of the bill. That can be a Godsend when you are suddenly hit with an unexpected vet bill in the thousands of dollars.

If you’ve been thinking about pet insurance but weren’t sure who was a reputable provider, here are the top providers based on reviews from pet parents just like you:


Top Pet Insurance Providers of 2024

RatingProviderTotal Review
4.9Healthy Paws9,932
4.8Prudent Pet125
4.3Pet Assure12
4.3Pets Best11,980

Final Thoughts

Boxer dog life expectancy typically ranges between 9 and 12 years though there are many things you can do to help your pup live well into their golden years. Be sure to spay or neuter, feed a quality diet, give them plenty of exercise, don’t neglect their oral health and enroll them into a pet insurance plan when they are young. Doing these things ensures you can spend as much time with your fur baby as possible.




The information contained on this blog is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional veterinary care. Always consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your pet's health care or treatment plan.

The authors of this blog are not veterinarians and do not claim to be experts in pet health. The information provided here is based on our own experiences and research, as well as information from reputable sources. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.

We encourage you to do your own research and consult with your veterinarian before making any decisions about your pet's health.

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