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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

Hassle free coverage

Had to euthanize our beloved girl recently. Last few months of her life she had been injured by botched biopsy surgery then developed an abdominal bleed from Cancer. All of the vet bills plus all her medicines were submitted and reviewed efficiently , easily, and quickly. Highly recommend MetLife pet, can’t say the same about MetLife (human) dental insurance which is a nightmare.
  • INSURER: MetLife
  • POSTED: 01/20/2024
  • BY: Lara
  • BREED: Golden Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Two Days after signing up

Our puppy pounced on a pair of garden shears and needed stitches on his mouth/muzzle. Claim process was easy, payment made promptly, and the whole event (well except for trying to keep a cone on a 10 week old puppy) was as smooth as we could have asked. We won’t be taking advantage of the vanishing deductible, but so glad this rambunctious pup had insurance.
  • INSURER: MetLife
  • VETERINARIAN: William Yohler, DVM
  • POSTED: 01/20/2024
  • BY: Karen
  • BREED: Bernese Mountain Dog
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Appalling customer service

So when I moved 10 minutes away, my premiums went up approx $100/month, which while ridiculous, what can you do? I decided to decrease my coverage to make the payment more manageable, as over $300/month for insurance on my 6 year old dog when I haven’t made a claim in years seemed stupid. The payment goes onto my husband’s Credit Card, so I didn’t notice right away that we were being overcharged over $60/month more than what I had been quoted for our changed policy. Of course, I discovered this on a weekend, when the only customer service available is over chat. The person I chatted with, Emma, said she would escalate the situation and I would hear back from them within a couple of business days (which I didn’t). So I call, because the call centre is only open M-F until 6pm ET and speak to someone who says that they will get back to me within 24-48 hours. Which they didn’t. I live on the West Coast, and I have a job, so I don’t have time during the day to call them repeatedly to follow up. I finally hear back from someone 13 DAYS later. Jordan left me a message at 2:40 in the afternoon on a Friday (Pacific time, so 20 minutes before they close for the weekend). Because I’m at work, I was unable to check the message until after 3pm PT. He lets me know that my payment is now $185/month. What??? It was supposed to be $170.76/month, they’ve been charging me $232.23/month, where did $185 come from? And no mention of reimbursing us for the $60+ they’ve been overcharging us for the past 3 months. And I can’t call to ask, because now they are closed. So here we go again. Back to the chat. Which is completely useless because they won’t tell you anything over the chat, just to call during their regular operating hours. What a joke, if my dog didn’t have pre-existing conditions I would change insurance companies in a heartbeat. I might anyways just because how awful they are to deal with.
  • INSURER: Fetch Canada
  • POSTED: 01/19/2024
  • BY: Bronwyn
  • BREED: Mixed Breed Large (Over 75lb)
  • AGE OF PET: 4 - 6

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out of 5

Worst Experience I have ever had.

After over 5 months of providing claim information and follow ups with this outfit I can honestly say that this plan is terrible. They do not have internal operations to provide customer service. Their personnel are poorly trained if at all and they put any disease into a preexisting condition category. As an RN I am familiar with preexisting conditions. An ear ache is not something that can be preexisting since it can be a year or more between inflammatory outbreaks. Do NOT waste your money on this company. Put the premium dollar aside to pay for vet bills or go with another insurance. This one sucks eggs.
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 01/19/2024
  • BY: Christine
  • BREED: Alaskan Husky
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

POSTED: | BY: The Healthy Paws Team

We’re sorry your customer service experience did not meet your expectations. Claim decisions are based on your pet’s medical records and the signs/symptoms that are noted in those records. Most pet insurance companies including Healthy Paws use a pet's medical records to determine if there are any pre-existing conditions that would keep us from approving a claim. We're never happy when we have to deny a claim. We do our best to be transparent throughout our website, during the enrollment process, and in the plan documents available to each client in their online Healthy Paws account regarding the limited exclusions of our plan. Those exclusions are pre-existing conditions, preventative/routine care, and the office visit fee. Anyone visiting our website can see this information under our "Frequently Asked Questions" and in the sample policy. Since the records received noted multiple ear infections starting prior to enrollment, we could not provide coverage.

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out of 5

Wonderful service

Our sweet little dog suffered a ligament tear in his left hind leg. He required surgery to repair it. Pets plus us insurance reimbursed us in 9 days. I’m so grateful for their support.
  • INSURER: Pets Plus Us
  • POSTED: 01/19/2024
  • BY: Fay
  • BREED: Havanese
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Affordable and easy

Buying insurance with Pets Best was easy and fast. The rates are affordable and they offer a few different options for plans. Filing a claim was easy and done online within minutes. My claim was approved and went towards my chosen deductible which is what I expected would happen. It did take almost 2 months to process my claim as they were very busy but I was kept up to date during the wait. So far I am very happy with this insurance and have recommended it to others.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • VETERINARIAN: Camano Island Veteranary clinic
  • POSTED: 01/19/2024
  • BY: Tammy
  • BREED: German Shepherd
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Easy and Fast

Uploading claims is quick and easy, just snap a photo of the invoice and click submit claim. My claims are usually reimbursed within a week. Best choice I made for all three of my furkids.
  • INSURER: Nationwide
  • POSTED: 01/18/2024
  • BY: Marion
  • BREED: Peke-poo
  • AGE OF PET: 4 - 6

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out of 5

Good insurance

My dog developed Addison’s disease three years after getting him at 8 weeks. Pet’s Best has covered his prednisone and glucocorticoid monthly shots and it has been a very helpful role on their policy . My only complaint is that before I got the Pet’s Bed policy my pet got a right ear infection . This was not covered . However , since getting the policy my pet has had a left ear infection and they will not cover the left ear infection even though it came after the policy was obtained and in effect . Otherwise they have been very good .
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • VETERINARIAN: Shaker Animal vet
  • POSTED: 01/18/2024
  • BY: John
  • BREED: Labrador Retriever (Black)
  • AGE OF PET: 4 - 6

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out of 5

Beware of MetLife!

I adopted my cat 11/28/23 from a shelter. I signed up for pet insurance for her at the shelter. The shelter provided all information and there was a clean bill of health and no pre-existing condition which was provided to MetLife Pet Insurance. The cat developed gas and diarrhea a little while after adoption. Pet insurance clearly states that is active immediately there is no waiting period. I hit my deductible I submitted my claims and sure enough they denied me. They claim she has a pre-existing condition because it started shortly after adoption. That is not a pre-existing condition it's a condition that arose after I adopted her and now they are claiming I have to go through an appeal process which can take upwards of 45 days. People get insurance for a reason for emergencies when they need it so they are covered. Clearly they are a company who does not stand by their word that claims your pet is insured from the moment you get the plan unless it's a pre-existing condition which there is absolutely no documentation of such prior to signing up for the plan. What happens if you can't afford the test your pet dies you have to get a lawyer and pursue this legally? I noticed they don't have a spot to put reviews on their website only the shining ones that they post. I can see why that is. I would strongly suggest looking into another pet insurance company do not waste your time and your money for them to look for loopholes and not back up their plan.
  • INSURER: MetLife
  • POSTED: 01/18/2024
  • BY: Kristen
  • BREED: Domestic Short Hair
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5



Trupanion is just a caring, upstanding company who puts animals first. Our dog Max has cancer and we really couldn't of done it without having an insurance company like Trupanion whose dedication hard work is most certainly what our Max and ourselves needs.
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 01/18/2024
  • BY: Diane
  • BREED: German Shepherd
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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