Dog Hip and Joint Health Care Tips

Posted: 01/15/2024 | BY: Jenna Bruce | Categories: Dog , Health problems , Pet care

We like to think of our dogs the same way we think of ourselves: as never growing old and always being active. Sadly, dogs age just like we do, and, like people, they often experience joint pain. But there are some things you, as a pup parent, can do to help them to lead an active life no matter their age. Keep reading for some dog hip and joint health tips and guidance.

dog hip and joint health

Signs of Hip and Joint Disease in Dogs

Dogs are stoic, meaning they tend to hide when they are in pain. This is instinctual, because in the wild, sick or injured animals are typically the first ones to be picked off by predators or kicked out of the pack by their own.

For this reason, it’s important for pup parents to really pay close attention to their fur babies, particularly as they get up their in age. The following are some of the most common signs and symptoms you may notice if your dog has begun to suffer from hip and joint pain:

  • Lameness & stiffness
  • Not wanting to play or go on walks(when usually they are always up for it)
  • Joint inflammation
  • Reduced appetite
  • Panting & shaking
  • Fatigue

How to Prevent Dog Hip and Joint Health Problems

Playing and going on walks and hikes is one of the ways we bond and stay connected with our pups. To ensure your fur baby can stay active, even in their golden years, here are some ways you can promote your dog’s hip and joint health:

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Obesity can result in the development of many health issues, one being chronic joint pain and arthritis. This is why it is essential that you help your pup maintain a healthy weight. 

You may need to adjust the amount of food/calories you feed your pup as they age. Afterall, a 9-year-old dog will not be as active as a 2-year-old dog. Speak with your vet about making any necessary changes to their diet. And be careful feeding too many treats and table scraps. While it may be hard to say no to those big, brown, pleading eyes, each treat you offer has calories and all of these add up!

Provide Regular Exercise

Your pup may not be as spry as they once were, but that doesn’t mean they don’t still need to move their body. In fact, it’s more important than ever to ensure your pup gets daily exercise.

Your fur baby may not be able to go on that strenuous hike or run two miles with you, but a nice gentle walk around the neighborhood for 20-30 minutes is just what the joint doctor ordered! Swimming is also wonderful for dog hip and joint health so if you have access to a pool (salt water is preferable because chlorine is not good for anyone) or lake or pond, consider allowing your dog to swim 2-3 times per week!

Give Your Dog Massages

Massaging is not only another wonderful way to bond with your pup, but it is also incredibly beneficial for their joints. A gentle massage can help improve your pup’s blood circulation and relieve sore muscles. It’s a good idea to watch some videos on how to properly massage your pup. If there is a pet massage therapist in your area, consider bringing your dog and even asking for instruction so you can give massages at home in between sessions.

Give Quality Supplements

While ensuring your dog maintains a healthy weight and gets plenty of exercise, supplementation is also crucial in preventing diseases and deterioration of the hips and joints. 

The following are the most common (and important) supplements to provide your dog to keep their hips and joints in tip top shape:


Glucosamine is a natural compound that consists of glucose and glutamine and is wonderful for joint health. Ask your vet for recommendations on a quality glucosamine supplement. 


Another natural supplement that can help relieve joint pain in your dog is chondroitin. A good chondroitin supplement will provide better tissue elasticity, so your pup’s joints can move more easily.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

MSM is a dog joint supplement boasting high amounts of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has been shown to be effective for dogs with bone and joint health issues.

Schedule Regular Vet Visits

To ensure optimal dog hip and joint health, be sure to bring your pup into the vet regularly. While younger pups are fine seeing the vet just once a year, it is recommended that older and senior dogs have a wellness check at least twice a year. This way your vet can detect any potential joint problems early and treatment can begin before your dog suffers too much.

Final Thoughts

As a responsible pet parent, you want to ensure your dog can feel and move as well as she did when she was a young pup. By following these guidelines, you can promote dog hip and joint health and help your fur baby liev their best life!

Pet Insurance Can Help Your Dog Age Gracefully

We never know what health issues may arise as our fur babies age. What we CAN do is ensure we are financially prepared for whatever life throws us. 

Are you financially able to pay a vet bill in the thousands of dollars should an unexpected serious illness or injury occur? Most pup parents don’t have that kind of money laying around for emergencies, which is why more and more are signing their pets up for health insurance.

A comprehensive plan can pay for up to as much as 90% of the vet bill. Talk about peace of mind!

If you’ve thought about pet insurance but were overwhelmed in choosing the right provider, here are the top providers with rankings based on over 150,000 reviews from pet parents just like you:

Top Pet Insurance Providers of 2024

RatingProviderTotal Review
4.9Healthy Paws9,933
4.8Prudent Pet125
4.3Pet Assure12
4.3Pets Best11,994






The information contained on this blog is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional veterinary care. Always consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your pet's health care or treatment plan.

The authors of this blog are not veterinarians and do not claim to be experts in pet health. The information provided here is based on our own experiences and research, as well as information from reputable sources. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.

We encourage you to do your own research and consult with your veterinarian before making any decisions about your pet's health.

Compare top pet insurance providers & plans.
