DJ's eye tumor removal claim
Pets Best is the best. I had never had health insurance on any of my previous dogs, so this was my first experience. They handled my claim quickly and professionally for the removal of DJ's eye tumor. I'm a very satisfied customer.
Pets Best
- POSTED: 05/29/2010
- BY: Pam
- AGE OF PET: 0 - 3
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Embrace's quality gives me peace of mind!
My family got its first puppy last year and one of the first things we did was research for a quality insurance. There were many available, but Embrace caught our eye because of its flexible plan. This month, we put in a claim because our dog had an adverse allergic reaction to a vaccine, making ill enough to need medication. Embrace contacted us and gave simple instructions to follow, and it was prompt in delivery. I hope I never have to file a claim for anything more severe than that for the next couple of years, but if I do, I'll have peace of mind knowing that Embrace will work with our family for our dog's health and well-being.
- POSTED: 05/28/2010
- BY: Arielle
- BREED: Mixed Breed
- AGE OF PET: 7 - 10
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They were great during a very difficult time
My 2 year dog was hit by a car. I took him to a emerg. hospital and had several weeks of going back and forth to the regular doctor they paid me back very quickly and I am happy with this company.
- POSTED: 05/28/2010
- BY: Joy
- AGE OF PET: 0 - 3
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Doesn't take much to become a 'risk'
We've had Petsecure insurance for a year and submitted claims for two emergency surgeries (foreign object ingestion) and a skin condition that has actually now started to clear up. Our Great Dane is now over a year old and things seem to be settling out in a sense. However, upon the semi-annual 'risk review', we were thrown into the high risk group and were dropped from 80% coverage to 50%. In their letters to customers, Petsecure likes to promote their showcase examples of 'top claim' high payouts, but those are all single case scenarios. The company is very good at quick claim processing and will rapidly approve and pay initial or periodic claims; we were initially very happy with Petsecure. Rest assured if you submit more than a couple of claims, you too will quickly become a risk to their profits...and their shareholders. We are now disappointed in Petsecure, and are shopping around for a different company that won't penalize their customers for accessing benefits.
- POSTED: 05/28/2010
- BY: Steve
- BREED: Great Dane
- AGE OF PET: 0 - 3
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Only useful for accidents
Even though I have had continuous coverage for my cat for about 8 years, I found out today for the first time that a disease that manifested during the insurance company's last billing cycle is treated as a pre-existing condition in this cycle, and is not eligible for coverage. So, especially for an indoor cat, the insurance is no longer meaningful once you might actually need it. Petshealth could have warned me of this when I renewed last time, but apparently, my premium was too attractive to them. I'm disgusted.
- POSTED: 05/28/2010
- BY: Andrea
- AGE OF PET: 0 - 3
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Worth the coverage for peace of mind
I have several cats and dogs as I do rescue work. I cannot afford to insure all my pets but have opted to cover my 4 dogs (3) Corgis and (1) Dachshund. The coverage has helped as a few of my dogs have had chronic issues (Lypomas, allergic dermatitis) and other minor issues but did incur alot of vet bills. Often times the entire payment of the bill is not paid as *within reasonable costs is cited, but I guess there has to be an "average" for the medical coverage as some vets tend to be more costly than others. Overall, I am satisfied. Time will tell as my dogs age and possibly get more health issues.
- POSTED: 05/27/2010
- BY: Tammy
- BREED: Welsh Corgis
- AGE OF PET: 7 - 10
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I have had pet insurance for many years on four dogs the first two i had vpi insurance and was very unhappy with them they always had an excuse for not covering. Then i got the other two dogs and decided to get petsbest and changed my to older dogs over. Well recently my older boxer got very ill with a left cerebellar mass on her brain it was going to cost thousands. of coarse we went through it and paid 12000.00 in bills i sent in the info to the insurance thinking all probly want get anything. Into my surprise they sent me my max of 7000.00 i was soooo happy it was the best news ever.Now i am im truly a believer there was no hasseling nothing it was so smooth for that i am thankful.I can rest better knowing that my dogs will be coverded thank you petsbest.
Pets Best
- POSTED: 05/27/2010
- BY: kristi
- BREED: Boxer
- AGE OF PET: Over 11 years
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Incredibly Upset
Similar to other posters I received a letter yesterday notifying me that my co-insurance would be bumped to 70% because I have made too many claims in the last little while. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Pet secure prides themselves on their "Secure for Life Guarantee" which states "we promise to our customers that their pet will never run out of coverage and that their pet's premiums won't rise. we also guarantee that as long as you remain a petsecure member you can continue to maintain your pet's existing coverage year after year after year,"
According to this my coverage should stay at 80% should it not?
I got pet insurance to protect myself and my dog in the event of unforeseen emergencies. Now that I have had to make use of it I am being penalized.
- POSTED: 05/27/2010
- BY: katie
- BREED: Labrador Retriever
- AGE OF PET: 7 - 10
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After having VPI pet insurance for our two 12 & 14 lbs. chihuahuas, it only took one year for us to reseach other pet insurances before selecting Embrace. We could not be happier. While pre-existing is tricking coverage, Embrace does cover preexisting after first year and Embrace pays based on your bill not pre determined fee schedule. You can select your own plan, and Embrace pays so quickly. We just love Embrace and also love the new well care coverage.Our little girls are like our kids now that our 3 daughers are adults. Having this coverage means alot to our piece of mind having small dogs.
Carol & Bob, and Maggie & Mango
- POSTED: 05/27/2010
- BY: Carol
- BREED: Chihuahua
- AGE OF PET: 7 - 10
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Fantastic service!
Embrace is a terrific organization...the customer service folks are courteous and helpful, and the claims process is as easy as can be. They really helped me out when my poor pug Pixie got diagnosed with hip dysplasia...ended up getting over 50% of the money I spent on an office visit and x-rays (would've been more, but I had to meet the $200 deductible and 10% co-pay). Spent $670 on the office visit, got $345 back. Can't complain at all. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Embrace!
- POSTED: 05/27/2010
- BY: George
- BREED: Pug
- AGE OF PET: 0 - 3
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