Dog Training Tips For New Pup Parents

Posted: 02/21/2023 | BY: Jenna Bruce | Categories: Dog , Pet care , Top Tips

Whether you’re rescuing a puppy or adopting an older dog, the following dog training tips will help your pup learn the lay of the land and also help you two bond!

Set Clear Expectations

dog training tips

Setting clear expectations should be a priority on your training journey. Doing so will help your pup understand the relationship you are trying to build with her. This will make her feel calm and trusting. It will also help avoid confusion later on.

Setting clear expectations will require you to set clear boundaries. What is and isn’t acceptable behavior. Where can your pup relieve themselves and where can’t they? What areas of the house are for rough play and what areas aren’t? Don’t move the goal posts around on your dog. Make sure the boundaries are consistent.

It must be said that setting clear expectations for your pup will not be an easy feat. But it is absolutely an important step in creating a happy and harmonious relationship with your dog. Remember, your dog will test you every day. Be ready with plenty of love and patience!

Set Your Puppy Up for Success

Typically older dogs will be easier to train. That’s because they have a greater attention span. If you’re bringing a very young puppy home, understand she will require extra care and consideration to help you get the hang of things.

Before training begins, it’s a good idea to let your fur baby explore her surroundings. This will help her get accustomed to her new people, home, and possible other pets. Make sure she has all of her basic needs covered, including food, water and affection.

You’ll next want to introduce a routine. Your pup will need to learn her sleeping schedule, feeding schedule and when those bathroom breaks are. Be sure to reward your pup when she sticks to these schedules!

Also, make sure your puppy gets plenty of exercise. Not only will this help her feel calm and relaxed, it will also keep her from developing bad habits.

Puppies are eager learners. However, they can be stubborn. Be prepared for a battle of wills.

Reward Good Behavior with Pawsitive Reinforcement

The use of positive reinforcement will help your dog learn new skills and behavior. It will also help you two build an unbreakable bond.

Most people will use treats as a reward. And treats can certainly act as a motivator for your dog. But there are other ways to reward your pup during training than just food. For instance, you can also use verbal praise, physical touch (massage time!), and lots of fun play time after a job well done.

Don’t Let Distractions Hinder Your Training Sessions

dog training tips

You’ll need your dog’s FULL attention to achieve desired behavior. And that’s not always easy. To set you both up for success, it’s best to train your dog in a room or area that has few distractions.

For example, if you live in the city on a busy street, your own backyard may not be an ideal training place. You might instead want to take your dog to a park in the early morning or evening hours when there are few people there. Have a roomy basement? These can make great training areas!

And finally, make sure your training session is short. Don’t be afraid to give your dog some time off if she gets bored. Your dog deserves a little R&R every now and then, just like you.

Correct Unwanted Behavior Quickly

Don’t wait to correct your dog. The quicker you can redirect bad behavior, the better. Also, after the first few corrections, be sure to praise your dog, as this praise will help her be more likely to engage in the wanted behavior.

Keep in mind, there are no bad dogs, only dogs that have yet to learn wanted behavior from unwanted behavior. When your dog shows unwanted behavior, be sure to always remain calm, gentle and loving as you would with a human child. By staying calm, you will remain the ‘alpha’ dog in your dog’s eyes. And staying calm yourself will encourage your dog to stay calm so she can focus on the task at hand.

Be a Pack Leader

A good pack leader does not allow the dog to do whatever she wants, but rather redirects her behavior in firm but loving ways. Dogs will naturally follow someone who they see as a leader.

The key to being a good pack leader is to always remain calm, patient, and fair. These qualities will make your pup instinctually trust you and want to follow your commands. Understand that inconsistency in your leadership may lead to trust issues and your respect as pack leader may diminish.

Make Sure They Recognize Their Name

Puppies don’t instinctively know their name. They have to learn it along with all of the other new information coming their way. When your puppy hears her name, this should become a cue that she needs to give you her full attention. The best way to get your new puppy to recognize her name is to say it in a clear, bright, happy tone. As soon as she looks at you, give her praise. If you are using a clicker, you can click here as well to mark the wanted behavior. Do this often and be consistent.

Haven’t named your puppy yet? Can’t quite come up with anything that suits them? Check out this site that has a really cool dog name generator!

Final Thoughts

A dog is, paws down, the best companion a human can have. But in order to develop a strong and healthy bond, your new pup will need to learn the law of the land. By following these dog training tips, you and your fur baby will have years of fun and joy together.

Take the Very Best Care of Your New Best Friend

Bringing a new dog or puppy home is very exciting. But taking care of a dog is also a big commitment.

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  1. Erb, H., “12 Very Useful Dog Training Tips” Retrieved from:
  2. Stregowski, J., “Dog Training 101: How to Completely Train Your Dog,” Retrieved from:
  3. Flowers, A., DVM; “Dog Training: Obedience Training for Dogs,: Retrieved from:




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The authors of this blog are not veterinarians and do not claim to be experts in pet health. The information provided here is based on our own experiences and research, as well as information from reputable sources. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.

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