Can Dogs Eat Brussels Sprouts

Posted: 10/27/2023 | BY: Jenna Bruce | Categories: Dog , Pet care , Top Tips

Brussels sprouts. Those little green veggies that most of us turned our nose up at as children are having their moment. Many people are now touting the benefits of eating more Brussels sprouts. But can dogs eat Brussels sprouts?

The quick answer is yes, Brussels sprouts can make a terrific snack for your pup. Let’s dive into the topic a bit more so you know how, when and why to feed your dog a few Brussels sprouts once in a while.

Key Points

  • Brussels sprouts are rich in many vitamins like A, K and C that are beneficial for dogs.
  • Brussels sprouts make great snacks for dogs but be sure to feed only cooked sprouts and feed in moderation.
  • Not all dogs will enjoy the bitter taste of Brussels sprouts.
  • Feeding your dog too many Brussels sprouts can cause gas and bloating.

can dogs eat brussels sprouts?

Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts for Dogs

Brussels sprouts are cruciferous vegetables, meaning they’re actually members of the cabbage family. These tiny green sprouts are low in calories and carbohydrates and high in fiber. This is one of the reasons Brussels sprouts can make great treats for dogs that are overweight and/or have diabetes.

Here are some other benefits of Brussels sprouts for dogs:

Help Your Dog “Go”

As we just mentioned, Brussels sprouts are loaded with healthy soluble fiber. Soluble fiber is the type that doesn’t dissolve in water. Instead, it remains intact as it travels through the GI tract, attracting water to the stool.  If your dog suffers from bouts of constipation, adding more soluble fiber to his diet can help keep him regular.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin that contains an essential protein called prothrombin. Prothrombin helps your bones form and your blood clot properly. Vitamin K also helps your pup’s body regulate calcium levels, which can help reduce his risk of developing heart disease.

Vitamins B1 and B6

Vitamins B1 and B6 are incredibly important. To start, they help boost your pup’s metabolism by helping to release the energy from the food he eats. In addition, vitamins B1 and B6 are necessary for making new cells and supporting your fur baby’s nervous system.

Loaded with Antioxidants

You know how good antioxidants are for your body. Well, they’re just as good for your pup’s body! Antioxidants help your pup fight the free radicals that can lead to cell damage and the development of various diseases. The antioxidants found in Brussels sprouts, like vitamin C, A, and folate, also provide anti-inflammatory properties and support your dog’s immune system.

Beneficial Minerals

Brussels sprouts are loaded with beneficial minerals such as potassium, calcium, and manganese These help to support bone health, balance fluids, and optimize cell and muscle function.

Considerations When Feeding Your Dog Brussels Sprouts

Can dogs eat Brussels sprouts? As you can see, they offer your pup some pretty impressive benefits. But there are some potential pitfalls with feeding your dog Brussels sprouts.

Stinky Dog Farts

As we mentioned, Brussels sprouts are members of the cruciferous family of veggies. These veggies contain phytochemicals called isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates are important because they help your intestinal muscles move and push through food and waste. But these same chemicals also feed and build excess bacteria. These tiny microbes aid in the fermentation process of digestion.

But these microbes also create a LOT of gas. If you feed too many Brussels sprouts to your pup, you may find you have to open some windows to remove the odor of stinky dog farts from your home.

Raw Sprouts are Hard for Your Pup to Digest

Because Brussels sprouts have so much insoluble fiber, it can be extremely hard for your pup’s body to digest when raw. This can lead to GI upset, bloating and even diarrhea.

Choking Hazard

Never give a whole Brussels sprout to your dog or a sprout that is still on the stalk. This can present a choking hazard to your dog or an intestinal blockage. Be sure Brussels sprouts are fully removed from the stalk, peeled, cooked and sliced into smaller pieces before feeding.

Tips for Feeding Brussels Sprouts to Your Dog

Before feeding any new food to your fur baby, always check with your veterinarian. Your vet knows your dog’s health history and any medication they may be on and can give you advice on what foods to give, to avoid how much, etc. 

The following are simply general guidelines:

Go Organic if You Can

Organic produce is a much healthier choice for your entire family. But if you can’t buy organic for whatever reason, be sure to wash your sprouts thoroughly when you get them home. This will help remove any pesticides or other chemicals that could upset their stomach.


After you’ve washed your sprouts be sure to cut the stem off and remove the outer leaves. Next, cook your spouts. Steaming is the best way as it will preserve all of the wonderful vitamins and minerals we mentioned. Boiling the sprouts isn’t a great way to cook them because all of the nutritional value leaches out into the water.


Humans are fine eating butter and olive oil, salt and garlic, but you should never give these to your pup as they can upset his stomach. Garlic and onions are actually toxic to dogs, so avoid adding any fats or seasonings to your sprouts.

Final Thoughts

Can dogs eat Brussels sprouts? Yes, but the amount of Brussels sprouts your dog can eat depends on the size of your dog. Small dogs can eat one sprout with no problem, and larger dogs may eat up to five. Check with your vet for the correct amount you can feed your four-legger without giving them stinky sprout gas!

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The information contained on this blog is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional veterinary care. Always consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your pet's health care or treatment plan.

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