7 Questions to Ask Your Vet

Posted: 10/02/2023 | BY: Jenna Bruce | Categories: Cat , Dog , Pet care , Top Tips

If you’re new to being a pet parent, you may feel a bit overwhelmed at the idea of taking your fur baby to the vet for the very first time. To help you feel more comfortable and confident, here are 7 questions to ask your vet:

Key Points

  • Your vet will outline the necessary vaccines your pet requires to stay healthy and live a long life.
  • More than half the dogs and cats in this country are overweight. Your vet can guide you on the type of food to feed your fur baby and how much.
  • How much exercise does your pet need? The answer to this will be determined based on age, lifestyle and other factors.
  • Dental cleanings are key in keeping your pet healthy. Does your fur baby need one?

questions to ask your vet

What Vaccines Does My Dog Need?

Young pups generally receive a series of vaccinations in the first few months of their life. These protect them from common diseases such as rabies and parvo virus. Ask your vet to explain the schedule and be sure to bring your fur baby in for their next series to keep them healthy. This is particularly important if your dog will be visiting dog parks or if you will board your pup at any time. If you’ve adopted an older dog, he or she will only need yearly vaccinations, but your vet can explain what your fur baby needs in more detail.

Is My Dog the Right Weight?

You’d be hard pressed to find a dog or cat who won’t gleefully eat every- and anything you put in front of them. The result is a chunky pet that develops health issues. And there are a lot of chunky pets out there! According to the Association for Pet Obesity and Prevention, more than half the dogs and cats in this country are overweight. The problem is, pet parents often don’t notice their pet has gained weight because it happens slowly and over time. Your vet will be able to tell you if your fur baby is a healthy weight or needs to lose some weight.

Conversely, some cats and dogs may be underweight because of poor nutrition (before they were rescued and adopted) or because of an underlying health condition. Either way, your vet will be able to tell you if your pet is in a normal and healthy weight range.

Can I Provide a More Nutritious Diet?

Being the right weight is a good strat to optimal health but there are other considerations. Proper nutrition is key in ensuring your fur baby is as healthy as possible. Sadly, many commercial pet foods on the market are subpar nutrition with many fillers and allergens. One of the most important questions to ask your vet is what food is right for your pet and how much they should be fed each day.

How Much Exercise Does My Dog Require?

All dogs need some exercise, but not all exercise requirements are the same. Generally speaking, younger dogs will need more exercise than older dogs – although puppies should wait until they are fully developed to become very active. Additionally, certain breeds of dogs have greater exercise needs than others. For instance, a Chihuahua or a Basset Hound may be fine with one short walk around the neighborhood each day while a Siberian Husky or Border Collie may need to go on longer walks or hikes to thrive. 

Ask your vet what amount and type of exercise your dog would benefit from. 

Does My Pet Need a Dental Cleaning?

It is estimated that 80% of dogs and 70% of cats over the age of 3 suffer from some degree of dental disease. If left untreated, poor oral health can actually lead to more severe health issues such as kidney, heart, and liver disease. Ask your vet how often your fur baby should have a professional dental cleaning and what you can do at home in between cleanings to keep your fur baby’s mouth healthy and pain-free.

What Flea and Tick Treatments Do You Recommend for My Pet?

The old saying is, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This is a fairly accurate statement and why flea and tick preventative treatments are so important. Fleas and ticks are not just a nuisance (and disgusting); they also transmit disease to your pet, and potentially your human family as well.

Luckily there are many flea and tick treatments on the market, but not all are equal. So be sure to ask your vet which ones they recommend.

Do You Recommend Pet Insurance?

Caring for a fur baby is a big financial responsibility, and not every pet parent is ready for it. If your pet were to suddenly experience a serious illness or accident and treatment (perhaps even lifesaving treatment) cost in the thousands of dollars, would you be able to pay that bill?

We have spoken with so many veterinarians who have voiced sadness and a bit of frustration that their clients did not have pet insurance and could not afford the right medical care when their fur baby needed it the most. In fact, that is why we started our Vets for Pets Program – to help vets educate their clients on the importance of this financial resource. 

If you’ve never considered pet insurance or you have but are unsure if the monthly cost is worth it, ask your vet what they think.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to form a relationship with your veterinarian early on. Asking the right questions is a great way to learn and also show your vet you want to be an educated pet parent. These are just some questions to ask your vet but feel free to do your own research to come up with even more. 

And if you’d like to do a bit of research on pet insurance providers, here are the top providers based on reviews from pet parents just like you:


Top Pet Insurance Providers of 2024

RatingProviderTotal Review
4.9Healthy Paws9,933
4.8Prudent Pet125
4.3Pet Assure12
4.3Pets Best11,994



  1. https://www.petmd.com/dog/care/10-questions-everyone-should-ask-their-veterinarian “10 Questions Everyone Should Ask Their Veterinarian”
  2. https://www.thewildest.com/dog-health/first-vet-visit “10 Questions to As at Your First Vet Visit”



The information contained on this blog is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional veterinary care. Always consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your pet's health care or treatment plan.

The authors of this blog are not veterinarians and do not claim to be experts in pet health. The information provided here is based on our own experiences and research, as well as information from reputable sources. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.

We encourage you to do your own research and consult with your veterinarian before making any decisions about your pet's health.

Compare top pet insurance providers & plans.
