7 Ways to Prevent Dognapping: How to Keep Your Dog Safe
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It’s a sad fact that dognapping is on the rise. More and more dogs are being stolen each year, often for ransom or resale. If you want to keep y...
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CATEGORY: Uncategorized
It’s a sad fact that dognapping is on the rise. More and more dogs are being stolen each year, often for ransom or resale. If you want to keep y...
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If you’re a pup parent, it’s essential to be aware of leptospirosis and its dangers to your furry friend. This illness is caused by bacter...
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If you are a domestic cat parent, you’ve probably noticed that your kitty loves to sit inside boxes. It’s not just because they’re c...
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It’s not uncommon for a cat to have a heart murmur. More than one-third of all cats will experience a heart murmur at some point. But what does...
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Canine influenza, more commonly known as the dog flu, is a serious illness affecting dogs of all ages. This virus is highly contagious and can be dead...
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The Shih Tzu is known as the “Lion Dog” due to its beautiful, fluffy, and often multi-colored coat. This ancient Tibetan breed has been a...
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Do you ever wonder why your dog eats grass? It’s a pretty odd habit, after all. Some people assume that dogs eat grass because they’re hun...
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Do you know why some cats drool? It’s when a cat salivates excessively, and it can be a sign of several different health concerns. This article...
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Millions of people take ibuprofen every day to help with various aches and pains. Still, many pet parents don’t know that it can be quite danger...
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The Beagle is a centuries-old hunting dog that hails from England. They are intelligent, energetic, and bright animals who are playful family dogs. Be...
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