Parasites and your cat
Posted: 06/23/2022 | Categories: Parasites with your cat
As a pet parent, you want to make sure your pet’s health is cared for.
Any cat owner knows that fleas can be a challenge, causing your animal discomfort and bringing them ‒ and you ‒ down. But there are many other parasites out there which your cat is susceptible to, and many of us don’t know enough about them. From hookworms to heartworms, these invisible bugs can have serious health implications for your pet, so it’s vital to know the symptoms to look out for and how to avoid infection.
Cats love to venture outdoors, disappearing for hours at a time and travelling great distances. This freedom is what they crave, but it also makes them more likely to come into contact with parasites lurking in vegetation. Most cats will become infected with at least one internal or external parasite in their lifetime, and some of these nasty ailments ‒ if left untreated ‒ could become fatal.
Here you can find information about the most common cat parasites, how to spot them, how to prevent them, and how to treat them most effectively. Being observant and acting fast can be the difference between a quick solution or an enormous veterinary bill ‒ or worse.