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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

Very Quick to Exclude Conditions

I've held policies with other pet insurance companies, andup until today, I was happy with Embrace. I adopted my dog, Sugar, last August, and I knew that she was almost blind. My veterinarian was concerned about possible SARDS, and so, I quickly had Sugar seen by an opthalmologist at Purdue University. They did NOT diagnose her with SARDS, but instead with PRA -- Progressive Retinol Atrophy. This is a irreversible disorder, but except for the blindness, Sugar should have no other symptoms and/or complications. So, I forgot about it. PRA is not serious, and Sugar has adapted well to her blindness. Then, last month, she had a corneal ulcer, which prompted Embrace to review her records. They saw that my veterinarian was concerned about SARDS last year, and immediately informed me in an email that SARDS was added as an exclusion to my policy. Of course, I am fighting them on this, since they didn't even bother checking to see if Sugar saw a specialist, because if they did, they would know that she doesn't have SARDS. Even still, I am angry. This is a demonstration that Embrace is just following the other pet insurance companies -- i.e. they are just looking for easy, convenient ways to exclude conditions. I am confident that I will win, but I am still very disappointed. Shame on you Embrace.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 05/26/2009
  • BY: Mary
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Outstanding Company - Highly Recommended

We adopted a black lab from labs4rescue last July. We have owned pets before but never had insurance. We did some research and chose a plan with Embrace. In November of 2008 she was diagnosed with luxating patella’s in both knees as well as hip dysplasia. We had one knee done at a time and were trying to hold off on doing anything with the hips as a total hip replacement was a major surgery. Unfortunately we had to replace her left hip two weeks ago. Through the course of the surgeries and etc. Embrace was outstanding with their customer service. They were extremely responsive and covered everything based on the policy selections we chose. They follow-up and stand behind their policy. I would HIGHLY recommend this company to anyone who owns a pet. It is rare these days to find a company that believes in customer service and stands behind their product. We are truly grateful for their coverage and commitment to the customer.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 05/21/2009
  • BY: Pat
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Very Positive experience with Pets Best Insurance

I have been so impressed with Pets Best Insurance. We have had the policy for over one year and it has been so wonderful to have the peace of mind of having this insurance. We have had to file claims and they are processed effectively and in an fast manner. They have sent us emails stating that they are requesting our dog's medical records so we are aware of what the process is. But most of all beside the professionalism and service every time I call to ask a question they say "How is Maxx?", our dog. We appreciate an company that cares about our dog as much as we do. I would highly recommend this to anyone considering pet insurance.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 05/15/2009
  • BY: B.
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Incredible Customer Service!

Thankfully I have yet to use our insurance coverage for anything major, but each and every single time I have dealt with Embrace, I get an immediate and positive response. I am not the only customer who feels this way. I chose Embrace after I read the positive remarks made by a number of Embrace customers on more than one Golden Retriever Forum. Apparently, many Newf owners are just as happy. I'd also like to take the time to explain why I chose to insure my two. If one day my two are faced with cancer I do not want to make treatment decisions based on finances alone. Embrace allows me Peace of Mind. I'd also like to send out a big Thank you to Embrace for supporting Meggie's cause.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 05/15/2009
  • BY: Kim
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

A real life-saver for my health-challenged dog!

I had my Auggie, beloved standard poodle – and first ever dog – for almost 11 years, thanks in no small part to PetSecure’s financial support for Auggie’s considerable health issues. While he was completely healthy as a little pup, as he aged Auggie developed Addison’s disease, hypothyroidism, bladder stones, and ultimately a heart murmur, ataxia (back leg weakness, likely the aftereffects of a minor spinal cord deformity or injury), and high blood pressure and related blindness. I had a whole ‘team Auggie’ of generalist and specialist vets – including Traditional Chinese medicine specialists and acupuncturists – providing advice, support, and medication to keep him as healthy and active as possible, again with financial support from PetSecure. As a result, Auggie’s quality of life was very, very high, better (my vets have told me) than any other dog they knew afflicted with just ONE of Auggie’s conditions. My happy boy made friends throughout our Toronto neighbourhood, was described by one local merchant as a ‘well-respected member of the community’, and is now memorialized in a commemorative oak tree planted in our favourite ravine – meaning that he’ll continue to benefit our community for years to come. That initial puppy policy I purchased was an essential investment in Auggie’s viability throughout his life span: I could never have managed without the reimbursements for treatments and support. I will forever be grateful to PetSecure, and when my heart has healed and I have a new puppy, will invest in PetSecure insurance again.
  • INSURER: Petsecure
  • POSTED: 05/13/2009
  • BY: Kathleen
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Thank you to PetsHealthCarePlan

Letter sent to PetsHealthCarePlan: Dear PetsHealthCarePlan, Attached is my final claim for my beloved Jonah who was euthanized on Tuesday, May 5, 2009. I’ve also attached a picture of Jonah (tabby) with his buddy Hazy Girl (tuxedo). Jonah was truly the sweetest cat! We have 5 other cats (!) and Jonah got along with ALL of them. He was extremely interactive with us throughout the day, constantly talking to us and being mama’s lap kitty while she worked at the computer. He loved to greet me after my morning shower and would patiently wait for me to put a towel across my shoulders so he could hop up and snuggle me on my shoulders! At night, ever since he was a baby, he loved to fall asleep sucking my ear lobe. I adopted Jonah as a rescue kitty during a very tough time in my life. I was struggling with depression and his beautiful soul helped me overcome that tough time. He’s been with me through a divorce, two moves (one from SC to MD), starting up my own business and several more additions to the family. He had so many distinct meows and purrs and expressions that makes me believe he was highly evolved and more connected to people than the average pet. Jonah was shortchanged on his life and it took us all by surprise. He never had anything wrong in his annual checkups and never had those urinary issues like many male cats do (like Boaz). When his kidneys started to fail towards the end of last year, we were told we only had a few weeks left with him. A few months later, Jonah survived and thrived after having a huge bladder stone removed. And you wouldn’t believe how well he responded to acupuncture! After 2 or 3 treatments, Jonah was totally expressing energy and playfulness like he did when he was a baby kitty! It had been years since we played our little “hide-and-seek-and-pounce” game (I wish I could show you a video of it as it was so hilarious), and for two months he just carried on in full strength like when he was a kitten. I truly do credit that to the acupuncture. But unfortunately, Jonah’s kidneys could not keep up with his vibrant life force. We had learned from a Pet Communicator how to communicate and “pet-speak” with Jonah and he told me he was ready. He was so sweet on his last day, giving to the very end. I held him as he purred on to the other side. We were so grateful to provide him a peaceful crossing. We are also very grateful to PetsHealthCarePlan because without your services, I would have been robbed even further of the last 4 or 5 months I had with Jonah. And I can’t even begin to tell you how precious those last months were. I still can’t believe he’s gone. I tell everyone I know who has a pet about your program. What’s equally as important as the coverages you provide is the compassionate customer service that I have always received from your staff. Thank you again for the services you provide.
  • POSTED: 05/07/2009
  • BY: Shannon
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Wellness Policy with 1st year puppy

Not having owned dogs for almost 15 years, pet insurance was a new concept for me. After doing extensive research I chose Embrace because they offer congenital coverage and also take regional expenses into account. Since I live in the "expensive" NE this applies to vet bills here. I was curious to see my first claim with their wellness program as I just went through the vaccination series for my cane corso pup, along with the usual digestive/intestinal upsets that seem to go along with new pups. They promptly re-imbursed me the full amount allowed for the year. All they required were detailed vet bills with a written report from the vet office. I am most pleased and intend to spread the word that they are one of the better (if not the best) insurance companies available. Highly pleased with all aspects of my dealings with this company.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 05/06/2009
  • BY: Delphine
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Bait & Switch???

I insured my two cats with Embrace for a year. The insurance appealed to me because Embrace touted how they would cover ongoing conditions beyond the first policy year and not consider them pre-existing conditions at renewal time. However, a close reading of the fine print revealed that coverage for ongoing conditions would be considerably reduced after the initial policy year, a stipulation I had to really dig for in order to find it out. Worse yet, when the first year's coverage approached its end and renewal time came up, Embrace jacked up the premiums by more than 40%. The initial premium was very competitive, but the second year's premium was outrageous. I felt that such a huge premuim ncrease for the second year almost amounted to a bait and switch tactic. Needless to say I didn't renew!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 05/05/2009
  • BY: Mick
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

10/10 Received call from CEO herself !!!

I would have never expected to get a call from the CEO of a company but it happened today. I had a different understanding of a possible Cruciate Ligament injury then what the customer service rep informed me. I received a phone call from the CEO herself asking how she could assist, after a brief conversation we resolved the issue. I have never had the CEO of a company call me in regards to a complaint before and that shows that they truly go above and beyond to resolve issues. I'm expecting many years of enjoyable service with them...
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 05/01/2009
  • BY: Bret
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Great Company

I have 2 dogs covered by a PetsBest policy. The Customer Service Department is top notch. I have had numerous claims in the past year and I have never had a problem getting my 80% reimbursements in a very timely manner. I recently took one of my dogs to see a doggy dermatologist. The vet said that she had never heard of PetsBest and was asking about the company because she was constantly being asked to recommend an insurance company to her clients. I had nothing but good things to say about PetsBest and she assured me that she would let her clients know about this insurance. I only wish human health insurance companies were so easy to deal with.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 04/28/2009
  • BY: Eileen
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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