Pet Insurance Review > Pet Wellness Guides > Labrador Retriever Weight and Growth Chart

Labrador Retriever Weight and Growth Chart: Male, Female and Puppy Growing Patterns

Posted: 11/09/2023 | BY: Humberto Noguera | Categories: Dog , Dog Weight and Growth Chart

The Labrador Retriever is a medium to large dog at full growth. The American Kennel Club notes that the average adult Labrador Retriever weighs between 55 – 80 pounds and stands at 21.5 to 24.5 inches tall.

Labradors are the most popular dog breed in America. This beautiful breed is friendly, loyal, and affectionate. They were initially bred to be a retrieval companion for fishermen on the island of Newfoundland, but once they became popularized there, English nobles brought them to England and further refined their temperament through careful breeding.

Today, Labs are considered the perfect canine fit for many families. They’re loving and patient with children of all ages. Labs make great companions and service dogs, and they’re famous for being friendly with everyone they meet. This retriever breed has high energy levels and requires plenty of activity and exercise, but these loveable dogs are enthusiastic about whatever task you give them!

Do you have a Labrador puppy?

You’re a fortunate pet parent if you have one of these adorable dogs. Dog owners need to watch your Lab puppy’s growth to ensure he hits all the healthy milestones expected of his age and breed. To ensure your dog’s health, you want to know that your pup is at the ideal Labrador weight. But you’re probably wondering, “How big will my Lab pup get? When will he stop growing? How big do Labs get as adults? When will my dog be a full grown Labrador Retriever?” We’ve got all the answers in our Lab puppy growth chart and our Labrador Retriever growth chart.

Labrador Retriever Puppy Growth Patterns

The best way to evaluate growth in Lab puppies is by tracking their height and weight every month. Healthy pups usually fall within statistical averages, but if you notice that your dog’s growth patterns are too slow or fast or the puppy’s weight fluctuates quickly, then this may be a cause for concern with the rate at which they’re gaining weight. Contact your veterinarian if you feel that your dog is not growing at his appropriate rate. Otherwise, expect some growth spurts to occur as your puppy grows from a month old Labrador Retriever to a dog with a healthy weight and height.

Nutritional deficits in Labradors should be one of the first factors to consider, and it’s easy for this breed to be susceptible to dietary issues with such an active lifestyle. Finding the proper nutrition and correct adult dog food will have a lifelong effect on your Lab’s health and the dog’s life expectancy.

Are you feeding your Lab puppy the proper amount of calories each day? Without enough food, they will quickly become underweight. This breed is moderately muscular and needs a fair amount of nutrients to keep up with growth requirements.

To ensure a healthy life for your dog, it’s essential to bring them to the veterinarian at 6 and 12 months. Your vet can detect any potential growth issues that may lead to obesity or stunted adulthood and can offer advice on the best puppy food for your dog.

As Labs are medium to large dogs, it’s best to monitor their growth process closely. Use our male and female Lab growth chart to make sure your pup doesn’t experience unexpected weight gain or loss; underweight dogs can suffer from various ailments, and a dog’s body condition will follow suit. Your Labrador Retriever’s growth is vitally important to their future health.

Male Labradors Growth Chart from Puppy to Adult

The average 12-month old male Labrador Retriever will be around 22.5 inches tall and weigh 65 – 80 pounds. At maturity, he’ll reach a height of 24–26 inches with an adult weight that ranges around 74 lbs. On the other hand, female Labs tend to be a bit smaller than males. Females are typically smaller, growing 21.5 to 23.5 inches high and weighing between 55 – 70 pounds.

Labs are typically a muscular breed, with an otter-style tail that helps them swim faster and better than other breeds. This dog’s weight should match the athletic body type: not too light or heavy for its height.

This Labrador weight chart below shows what appropriate, healthy weight and growth look like for a male Labrador Retriever.

1 month old 3 – 5 lb
2 months old 10 – 15 lb
3 months old 20 – 30 lb
4 months old 30 – 40 lb
5 months old 35 – 45 lb
6 months old 40 – 55 lb
7 months old 50 – 60 lb
8 months old 50 – 65 lb
9 months old 55 – 70 lb
10 months old 55 – 70 lb
11 months old 60 – 75 lb
12 months old 65 – 80 lb

Female Labrador Growth Chart to Puppy to Adult

A female Retriever will be roughly 21 inches tall with an average weight of 45 to 60 pounds after 12 months. By maturity, a full grown female reaches an average of about 22-inch measurements, with males being slightly larger than their counterparts. Female Labradors should be at the average adult height and correct weight for this breed, especially if you intend to breed your dog.

What happens if your female Labrador Retriever gets pregnant in adulthood? 

It can vary depending upon many factors, but her size would certainly change significantly during pregnancy. Expect a pregnant dog to gain between 15 – 20% of her weight over two months. The female puppy’s reproductive system is still developing, so it makes sense to avoid breeding her until she has reached maturity. Breeders should beware, though: owners will want to avoid many health risks associated with producing young dogs during this period.

The Labrador Retriever size chart below displays the healthy growth patterns for a female Lab:

2 months old 5 – 10 lb
3 months old 20 – 25 lb
4 months old 25 – 35 lb
5 months old 30 – 40 lb
6 months old 35 – 45 lb
7 months old 40 – 50 lb
8 months old 40 – 55 lb
9 months old 45 – 60 lb
10 months old 50 – 60 lb
11 months old 55 – 65 lb
12 months old 55 – 70 lb

When do labs Stop Growing ? 

Labs need to fill out more than smaller breeds as they are medium to large-sized dogs. They can take up to one year before reaching their full size, depending on the individual dog’s bone structure. Usually, an average Lab will be at full height and weight by their first birthday. Sometimes by examining the size of labrador puppies’ paws, you can get an idea of how big your pup may grow.

Is Your Labrador Retriever Healthy?

Labrador Retrievers are the perfect family pet. Not only are Labs wonderful companions, but their friendly demeanor, adaptability, and love for life make them ideal members of any household.

Your Labrador is your furkid, and you want to make sure they’re happy. The best way to guarantee that happiness? Preventative care! There’s no denying it: Labs can suffer from various health issues just like any other purebred dog does, but prevention is the best cure for these ailments.

Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD)

Canine Hip Dysplasia or CHD describes hip malformation in dogs. This condition can cause pain and make it difficult for your pup to move freely. Dogs with CHD have a more shallow hip socket, and their femur ball doesn’t fit correctly. The rounded end, or “femoral head,” sits poorly on its deep socket, called an “acetabulum.” If the ball and socket joint doesn’t fit together correctly, the hip’s cartilage wears down, causing pain in dogs. Due to CHD, they may also develop arthritis in the hip area as they age.

Some dogs with CHD have normal hips as puppies, but they can develop joint instability later in life. This malformation occurs when the surrounding ligaments and muscles that support those joints don’t hold together over time due to deterioration or injury to these structures from various other sources, including genetics and environmental stressors.

Unfortunately, CHD affects medium to large dog breeds, with the Lab amongst those dogs with a higher chance of developing this condition.


Osteoarthritis is a condition that can affect your dog’s joints. It typically occurs in senior dogs and large breeds, but it doesn’t have to slow them down. Recognizing the early signs of this progressive disease will help you get treatment for your dog so he has an active life filled with joy instead of pain or discomfort. An old Labrador Retriever is especially prone to developing this disease.

Osteoarthritis, or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD), is a progressive inflammation of the joints caused by deterioration and breakdown in cartilage. This action leads to an increase in friction, which causes significant pain for dogs. In cases of osteoarthritis, this cartilage cushion begins to break down because of factors such as age or injury. Repetitive stress can also significantly limit a dog’s ability to move comfortably.

Canine Atopic Dermatitis (Allergies)

Dogs’ most common skin condition is atopic dermatitis (or simply “atopy”). It’s an inflammatory, chronic disease that occurs due to allergens and can cause significant problems with the canine immune system.

If a dog has canine atopic dermatitis, the immune system reacts too strongly to common environmental allergens absorbed through the skin, such as mold spores and grass. A dog with atopic dermatitis will typically show signs and symptoms between 3 months to 6 years of age. It’s not as common for dogs over the age of 7 to develop this condition, although a new environment can trigger allergens that were never present before in their life.

Labrador Retrievers are amongst the most common dog breeds to develop food and skin allergies.

Gastric Distention and Volvulus (Bloat)

Canine bloat, or gastric distention and volvulus (GDV), is a condition where the stomach swells abnormally. When this happens, it’s known as “gastric distention” and can be accompanied by the twisting or rotating of your pup’s abdomen. Bloat is a serious condition that requires immediate emergency care.

Dogs of all shapes and sizes can bloat, but some breeds are more susceptible than others. Unfortunately, Labradors are at the top of the list for susceptibility to this condition. The causes of bloat in Labs and other dogs are unknown, but there is likely a genetic element. That means it’s more likely to occur when close family members have had this condition before. Dogs who recover from bloating should never be used as breeding stock again.

Got a Lab? Get Pet Insurance Coverage

You love your dog like a child, but you cannot control what your puppy is dealt with in the genetics department. Health struggles can affect your Labrador Retriever, and his genes will determine what medical conditions or diseases he develops.

You can’t protect your dog from everything, but the best thing you can do is prepare for any complications. What if cancer happens? What else might go wrong with your dog in an emergency that will require immediate attention?

As a dog owner, you want to make sure that your Lab pup has the best chance possible at living a healthy and happy life. That’s why it pays for pet owners like yourself to invest in quality pet health insurance from day one. A pet insurance policy will handle any medical issue or expense which may come your way, which is a significant help, especially with how expensive veterinary bills can get.

An insurance policy can help if you have to cover your furry friend’s injuries or illnesses. Get insurance quotes today and see for yourself how much better life will be with this coverage.


The information contained on this blog is intended for informational and educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is not a substitute for professional veterinary care. Always consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your pet's health care or treatment plan.

The authors of this blog are not veterinarians and do not claim to be experts in pet health. The information provided here is based on our own experiences and research, as well as information from reputable sources. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.

We encourage you to do your own research and consult with your veterinarian before making any decisions about your pet's health.

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